Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Fox and The Crow

The Fox and The Crow, The Fox and The Crow Story
The Fox and The Crow : It was a hot sunny day. Crony, the crow was very hungry and he could not find anything to eat. So, he went flying far away in search of food.

He went and sat on a tall tree to look around for food and he saw a piece of bread. At last, he was very happy.

Crony took the piece of bread and flew to a tree. He sat on the branch of a tree and was about to begin his meal.

At that time Fenny, the clever fox was passing by from under the tree. He saw the piece of bread in the crow's mouth. Fenny was hungry too. Seeing the piece of bread in crow's beak, his mouth began to water.

He thougth, "If I make the crow open his mouth, then the bread will fall down. I will take the piece of bread and eat it."

Fenny, the fox went and stood below the tree. He said to Crony, the crow, "How good looking you are. Your feathers are very shiny. Surely, your voice must also be very sweet. Please sing a song for me."

Crony was happy to hear the fox praising him and his voice. Crony, the crow opened his beak to sing and the piece of bread fell from his mouth on the ground. Fenny picked up the piece of bread quickly and ran away.

Crony was very sad as he lost his bread and he was still hungry.

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